Let's Talk About Timing

Let's talk about timing. We Oregonians usually slump through the gray, rainy winter, our leaves and blooms start to peak out, and everything looks beautiful in the spring. We have naturally amazing but activity filled summers, then enjoy the slow fade of warm weather in the fall. AND our housing market traditionally follows those patterns. I mean, if you could wait until your beautiful rhododendron out front was in peak bloom to take your house photos and get them on the market, wouldn't you think that was a good idea?

You're right. Well...kind of. 

You're right that preparing your house for the market and helping make it as cute as possible is always going to get you the most money. 

But I said I wanted to talk about timing, right? If you wait until the deep Spring when housing inventory is at it's highest, your competition with other houses on the market also increases. Meaning, your house has to be exponentially cooler and priced well to get that buyer to bite. What I'm really saying is that there are some great advantages to listing when things are just on the CUSP of starting to pick up, instead of when everybody else chooses to do so too.

This advantage also doubles when you're looking to both buy and sell at the same time. The less buyers are in the market competing for the home you want to buy, the more likely we'll be able to negotiate something like a contingent offer or rent back making your transition between your current house and your new house seamless. 

If you've been thinking about listing your house this Spring or Summertime, we'd love to talk and help strategize about what might actually be the best timing for you. We're seeing at least half our listings come through our office with multiple offers on them, so don't let the media fool you- there is plenty of activity out there even if it is only the beginning of February. And if you're worried that your house has too many projects that you want to do before you list? Let us help you with that too. We pride ourselves in walking our sellers through every step of getting their houses ready for market with our "Hands Free Selling Program".

Ask me more about it!


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